What an event. We had 20 high school teams and 5 junior teams at our first event and what a great bunch. Thank you all for coming out to fish with MOSAF.
I will be getting pictures from the event up over the next few days as well as the results along with some stats.
I am proud to say that every fish that came to weigh in was released alive thanks to the efforts of our anglers and captains.
If you are going to fish the Missouri High School Championship on 5/31 you need to register online at www.highschoolfishing.org use the button in the top left corner. Choose state championship and MO. State championship.
If you just signed up last weekend give me a couple days to get your information to the TBF before you register.
If you are a junior team and intend to fish the Missouri Junior State Championship on 5/31 please send me an email. This will help me know how many will be registering so I can have our end ready.
Remember the winning team earns a spot in the Junior World Championship and that’s the only way to get in.
Fish On!