Category: Member News

2020 Qualifier Events Dates & Lakes Announcement

The MO TBF Board of Directors met on Saturday December 14, 2019 and approved the following dates and lakes for the MO-TBF Qualifier events for the 2020 Season. Qualifier #1 – March 21 & 22 – Pomme de Terre Lake. Qualifier #2 – June 6 & 7 Stockton Lake. The date for the 3rd Annual …

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2019 Bass Pro Shop FLW High School Open Lake of the Ozarks

56 boats competed on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at the Bass Pro Shops / FLW High School Open Lake of the Ozarks. The bite was pretty tough only a few teams coming in with a five fish limit. Buzz bait was the primary producer of the bigger fish. Top 5 teams qualify for the National …

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Truman Lake is Back!

Missouri TBF’s Second State Qualifier is a Success After dealing with a 2-month weather delay the Missouri TBF held its second state qualifier at Truman Lake on August 10th and 11th.  The lake had receded from its near record crest in June to a more fishable level of about 12 feet over normal pool.  The …

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Missouri TBF Hosts First Joint Student Angler Federation High School and Junior State Championship

Mother Nature smiled on the Missouri – The Bass Federation (TBF) and the TBF Student Angler Federation as they hosted their first joint Student Angler Federation (SAF) High School and Junior Angler State Championship on Sunday, March 17th at Lake of the Ozarks.  Again for 2019 the TBF partnered with National Youth Fishing Association (NYFA) …

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